Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many students attend WSCS?
A: WSCS’s current enrollment is 204 students.
Q: How many students are there per class?
A: WSCS averages 14 students per class.
Q: What is WSCS’s teacher-to-student ratio?
A: 14:1
Q: What is WSCS’s religious affiliation?
A: West Side Christian School is a ministry of West Side Baptist Church and adheres in belief and practice to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Q: Are all teachers certified?
A: All teachers from K5-12 are college graduates and all teachers from K4-12 are certified either by the State of Arkansas or by the Association of Christian Schools International.
Q: Is WSCS an accredited school?
A: Absolutely! West Side Christian School is accredited by the Arkansas Nonpublic School Accrediting Association (ANSAA) and is a member in good standing of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) as well as the Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools (SBACS).
Q: How much does it cost to attend WSCS?
A: On average, our families invest around $14.00 a day in their child’s education at West Side Christian School. This does not include books or various fees. Discounts apply for families with more than one student. See "Fee Schedule" tab above.
Q: Are scholarships available?
A: Yes! A new scholarship is available in Arkansas. Click here for more information. Families may also apply for an Education Freedom Account through the LEARNS Act. Click here for more information.
Q: What are the requirements for admission?
A: The following is required before admission is finalized:
Completed application and interview
Up-to-date immunization record
State certified copy of birth certificate
Receipt of all registration fees and tuition to date
Signed statement of cooperation
Students in 7th-12th grades must have at least a 2.0 grade point average with no history of destructive behavior or unmanageable conduct.
For additional information, please click here to review our Student Handbook.